Come to think of it, what CAN Satan do?
I was thinking, a couple days ago, about something or other, and whatever it was, it got me to thinking, can Lucifer\Satan see the future? Well, maybe not. This got me off on another tangent, thinking about what power he does have. And based on what we can read about his character in Job, Revelations, and elsewhere, I'm inclined to think he's bluffing. Don't get me wrong. I am not underestimating the Devil's power to brainwash, lie, deceive, hypnotize, tactically look deep into the present, etc Nor am I saying we can defeat him in our own power. Cause we can't, But what I'm saying is, there is a hell of a lotta stuff he can't do. Satan is not all powerful. He can directly affect the present, and can physically cause things to happen. He can distort our perception and trick us into seeing things that aren't actually there. But from what I can tell, he basically has to ask God's permission to do a lot of his deeds...