
So you wanna know everything there is to know about me? No? Good. I'm not in the mood to tell you everything.

Do you want to know anything at all about me? Obviously. That's why you clicked on the 'About', right?

1. I was born June 9, 1997
2. I have four older sisters, two older brothers, a younger sister, and a younger brother. I'll spare you the math. Nine kids total.
3. I have lived in Ohio most of my life.
4. I've worked in construction for six years, and have operated lots of heavy machinery.
5. I've also worked in a chemical warehouse for about nine months.
6. I currently work in a firearms store, as well as milking cows on the side.
7. Within my various job experiences, I've handled, in bulk... approximately 5 of the 9 hazmat classifications. 
8. I imagined myself being many things when I was a little kid. Being a dairy farmer in the making was not one of those things. But surprisingly, farming is actually kinda fun.
9. I'm an INTJ-T, 8w9 who is still working on getting away from my disintegration arrow. If you are familiar with MBTI and enneagrams, I just told you a whole lot about me.
10. I hate sand. Like, I REALLY hate sand. And coffee. And flipflops. Those things are absolutely ridiculous. Why do people wear them?
11. I identify as a Mandalorian
12. My goal is to become a sheriffs deputy, and perhaps one day a county sheriff. Or maybe become a rancher. Or possibly start a traveling music band. One of those things.
13. In seven years of driving, I'm on my third truck. Hopefully this one doesn't break on me.
14. I love spending time in the wilderness. Just not sandy wilderness. I'm more into lush forests/jungles with creeks, rivers, and waterfalls. Also, MOUNTAINS ARE THE BEST THING EVER.
15. I know how to drive a manual transmission
16. I have been writing stories since I was twelve years old
17. I have exceeded 100mph
18. I've never been to another country.
19. According to my DNA, I’m ethnically mostly Anglo-Norman, with some German, a little Irish, and a smidge of French. And a pinch of…Swedish? Not sure where that got mixed into the family tree… shrugs Oh well.
20. I exist to collect random factual knowledge and unemotionally impart it upon the rest of the world.
21. I have faced, and BEATEN suicidal depression. If you're facing it, don't give up. I know you can win.
22. I have almost died (a near drowning, long before and completely not connected to the suicidal depression)
23. There are few physical things that terrify me. My incident with almost drowning gave me deep water PTSD, and I can't stand snakes, but other than that, its pretty hard to phase me.
24. I saved the best for last. I am a child of the one true creator of the universe, and it is in His name that I live, breathe, and have my being. I call myself a bard because I write stories and songs. But I write those stories and songs for God's glory. Ergo, I am His Bard.


  1. This is the way people should write about pages. Everything interesting in a well formatted list without having to search far and wide for it. *applauds*

  2. And I'm not stalking... 🙄😂


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