Arayot: Valkyrie Misadventures
You only live once, so they say. And when that one shot is gone, you’re going to regret all the things you never did, far more than all the trouble you got yourself into from breaking rules…
Arayot Chronicles is a sizeable series in which the
Confederated Republics of Scotia, a nation of autonomous city-states
within our own day and time, must compete for its survival against
certain powers which seek to instate a united global government.
Misadventures of the Valkyries follows a small group of six best friends who live in the Scotian capitol city-state, Lionsgate.
~Valerie Clarke: the daughter of a legalistic pastor, the niece of the Scotian Chancellor, and the cousin of the Chancellor-apparent, who loves Crocs, loves books, is wary about breaking rules, and hates emotional drama
~Sarah Collins: when your father is the Chancellor, the most powerful man in all of the Scotian Republics, how hard can it really be to get away with a little mischief?
~Priscilla Jones: daughter of the school principal, and unintentionally the queen of drama. Known as Roo, due to her personality’s uncanny resemblance to the character of the same name from Whinnie the Pooh
~Elizabeth Fletcher: daughter of a miner with a long Quaker heritage, Liz likes playing the rebel, breaking rules for the sheer excitement of it. As Valerie’s next door neighbor, she often drags the somewhat reluctant preacher’s-kid into her shenanagins
~Renee Bertrand: daughter of a powersports mechanic, she argues for fun, plays drums for a hobby, skates as a competitive sport, and is usually the mastermind behind the gang’s wildest adventures
~Emily Jackson: daughter of an oil drilling magnate, who acts like a cross between a lawyer and the MCU’s Loki Odinson. Also the only Valkyrie who wishes that snow lasted all year round, cause snowboarding in the mountains is way more exciting than the city park's concrete skateboard park.
Snippets for Valkyrie Misaadventures can be found here:
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