
Beginning! Again.

Hello and welcome to my corner of the wide dark web. This is actually my second attempt at a blog, as my first one kinda fell through and was forgotten in the great void of time and space. To be fair, life has been crazy. Unfortunately, life will never cease to be un-crazy. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Anyway, here, we discuss many, many things. Faith, politics, personality psychology, writing, backpacking, and much, much more. Please, enjoy your stay. Best regards, The Keener Way

Missing the Mark

    “What is sin? It is the glory of God not honored . The holiness of God not reverenced . The greatness of God not admired . The power of God not praised . The truth of God not sought . The wisdom of God not esteemed . The beauty of God not treasured . The goodness of God not savored . The faithfulness of God not trusted . The commandments of God not obeyed . The justice of God not respected . The wrath of God not feared . The grace of God not cherished . The presence of God not prized . The person of God not loved . That is sin.” ~John Piper  We live in a broken world. Perhaps more broken than ever, perhaps less broken than ever. There is only one entity who has been alive for the Earth's entire history, and that is our Creator. So only he can judge our current level of broken. But through all of time, man has called things sin which the Lord never forbid, and man has called good things that the Lord explicitly denounced. So I thought I'd do a little script...

2024 Sanctuary and 2025 Presence

    Okay, so it is February now, and the Gregorian New Year's Day is a ways behind us. Though according to the lunar calendar of Jewish Torah, the first day of Nissan is on March 30 this year. And according to the Persian Hijri calendar, one of the most mathematically accurate solar calendars of all times, the new year is on the vernal equinox, which will fall on March 20 this year. Which means that, either way, I still have a month and a half till the new year begins, because I like poking holes in Rome. Plus Persia had better mathematicians. But I will still refer to Gregorian dating for public communication for the sake of communication, even though it is less accurate.  Anyway... In 2024, I set 'Sanctuary' as my word of the year. In original etemology, this is defined as a sacred or holy place. Over time, the word became broadened to any place of refuge. So how did the year go for me in light of this? The year started with a trip to Louisiana in January, where I spent...

Living Like Yeshua, Part 10: Sexual Purity

  Note: This may not be content for the *cough* too youthful. And some search engines may even hide this content for the keywords repetitively used. But these topics are way too taboo in the modern church. I debated creating substitute words for the article, but the Bible doesn't, so why should I? "You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." ~Matthew 5:27-28 BSB Now, I will say from the start, grace covers a multitude of sins. Else-wise we are ALL condemned. But also, we live in a world where sex and sexual sins have just about become the world's biggest and most devout religion. And the second biggest religion is the other side of the coin, those who go to drastic legalistic measures to try and stay pure. Thus I believe these are important topics to get right, because Yeshua calls his followers to a higher standard than the righteo...

Living Like Yeshua, Part 9 (Matthew 5:21-26)

  Welcome back, friend, to my series on the Sermon on the Mount, where we explore Yeshua's instructions on how to live as His disciples. Today, we are looking at the part of the sermon where Yeshua tackles anger and reconciliation. In this passage, Yeshua makes a shift from His "blessed are" to "you have heard". But what He says is more than just hearsay. He is quoting Torah. In this instance, He tells the people that the law of Moses says 'Do not murder' and anybody who murders is now subject to punishment by the law. But Yeshua follows this up with "actually, if you so much as become exasperated or enraged with your brother, you will be subject to judgement. Now, if you call your brother 'Raca' (meaning inferior/worthless/empty-headed) you will be condemned by a jury. Now, if you call someone a moron, you will be liable to a 'Gehenna of fire'. What is a Gehenna of fire? This is referring to the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem,...

Know You Are In The Light

  It has been a hot minute since I've read the book of 1 John. But when the sermon at my church sent me there today, I realized I've been needing it this past week. The book really isn't that long. Five very short chapters. Yet there is so much packed inside! For a brief overview: Chapter 1 -The purpose of this letter is to make your joy complete. -If we walk in the light, we have fellowship with the Lord. -If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive. Chapter 2 -Jesus is our atoning sacrifice. -If we keep the commandments of Jesus, we can be sure we have come to know Him. -If you hate your brother, you still walk in darkness. -Whoever loves his brother remains in the light. -The world, fleshly desires, the pride of life, the lust of our eyes... These things are passing away. Do not love them. -Those who departed from the faith were not in it to begin with, and are antichrists. -We have received an anointing from Christ, which teaches us all things. Chapter 3 -When Chr...

Away in a Manger?

  Merry Christmas everyone! Although I generally don't make it a secret that I consider the birth of Christ to most likely be mid autumn, some time between September/October, the vast majority of people insist on observing it smack-dab in the middle of winter. Whereby, at least for the moment, my December postings take on a more Christmas-y tone.  Today, I'd like to explore a topic that was inspired my my very wonderful oldest brother. After I re-shared my last year's posts on Christmas carols, he approached me with an article on how western culture has appropriated the nativity story and taken things out of their middle eastern cultural contexts. One of the things this article suggested was that Yeshua was born in a stone feed trough in a guest room, rather than a wooden manger in a barn, a concept of renaissance Europe. In truth, it is possible that English has misinterpreted the idea of 'no room at the inn'. The Greek word is 'kataluma', which can be take...

Living Like Yeshua, Part 8 (Matthew 5:17-20)

  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ~Matthew 5:17-20 BSB Not gonna lie, this section of Yeshua's Sermon on the Mount is perhaps one of the most difficult sections to fully grasp. There are so many ways to take this. Here's the thing. Yeshua said: 1. I have come not to abolish, but to fulfill 2. Till heaven and Earth pass away, not one yod (the smallest Hebrew l...