The Land Tells the Dirty Truth
Every old story has the barefoot country kid walking down the dirt road. It's a classic picture of "the good 'ole days". Even many people reading this can probably look at the picture and feel it in their memories. The thick humid air. The hot, rocky road. The cool blades of grass tickling your ankles. In that picture, would you be walking that hard, rocky dirt? Or that thick green grass beside it? The thick, cool grass feels so much better than the dirt. Enough so to lead a few traveling pilgrims astray in John Bunyan's allegory, Pilgrim's Progress . But no Giant Despair resides in these lands! So come and walk in the grass with me! As we stroll the soft greenery, let me tell you a story. See, a few months ago, I took the plunge of choosing farming as a career path/lifestyle. Its been an amazing journey thus far. And this past week, I had the opportunity to listen to, and speak with, a sixth-generation farmer and leading voice in the regenerative farming ...