Reflections on the Prodigal Son
Hey, it's me again. I know, I know... Kinda overdue for a blog post. It's been like a month and a half. I guess I've been biding my time cuz I was waiting for inspiration to strike on what to write about. Then a very close sister of mine randomly suggested the parable of the prodigal son. The idea was very random. But as I thought on it, the idea grew on me. So here we go. The parable begins in Luke 15:11, and we've all heard it. A rich man has two sons. The younger demands his share of the inheritance, he goes to a far off place, and he wastes his money. Reduced to working a job feeding pigs, the son is so hungry that he starts craving the food that the pigs are eating. So he decides to go home and become a servant to his father, deciding that he is ill-suited to be a son. But what he finds is that his father has been waiting for him. The father welcomes the son and throws a feast. Now the older brother enters the story, upset that his selfish, wasteful brother is ge...