
Showing posts from December, 2023

Thesis on Baptism

       In Matthew Chapter 3, we see an odd ritual being preformed by John, cousin of Jesus. He is dipping people in the Jordan River. We're never really told why he was doing it. It's kinda just assumed that the people of that era knew why he was doing it.      But the fact that we're never told the purpose of this ritual always kinda bugged me. Baptism just never made sense. Really, it seemed a ludicrous thing. And even from a young age, I hated things that didn't make sense. Why do people get dunked in a giant bathtub in front of a bunch of other people? What in the world does that have to do with anything else about being a Christian?       Over the years, I put forth various excuses as to why I elected to not go through with it. Part of my inhibition was the extreme insecurity I had of doing anything in front of a crowd. Especially being dipped in a giant bathtub. Super awkward. But the other part was, I didn't feel right doi...

Christmas Carols, Part Two

  Here we are, yet again, with a second volume of evaluating the theological content of Christmas Carols. I know, its risky ground. Many people would join Tevye the Dairyman in crying "Tradition! Tradition!" even though hymnwriters of long ago were no more freed of theological error than song writers of the modern era. Yet others would hold some degree of prejudice toward the older carols and relish in the new and modern, which creates a completely new set of questions regarding theological content, as society tries to drift away from scripture into prosperity gospels, word of faith gospels, and other non-scriptural gospels. But it is important to note that, as Paul said in his letters, we're not here to bring legalism into the church by dictating what is right or wrong concerning holy days. Some people set apart a certain day as holy to the Lord, others regard all days alike, and each should be convinced in his own mind. And the same goes for carols as it does for the ho...