Let God do God


This is gonna be fairly short. More like a tiny snippet of a devotional than an article. But though small, its a powerful message.

Mankind has always tried controlling the world around them. From Abraham sleeping with his wife's servant girl, to David killing Uriah, to Peter cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant. We like trying to play God.

And I've fallen prey to this myself. Sometimes its subtle. You just get so caught up in trying to follow God's plan that you start doing things without consulting him. And you end up making a bigger problem. I know that experience all too well.

But what Abba has been reminding me lately is that he is God, I am not. I'm just his child. I just need to follow his lead.

And this morning, my mom mentioned that while getting ready for church, she felt like God whispered to her, "You do you, let me do me."

What the particular context is, I don't know. Maybe she needed to hear that for a situation in her life. Maybe she was just the messenger and it wasn't anything for her. Maybe it was meant for her to tell me. Maybe it was meant for her to tell someone else. But whatever the case may be, whoever needed to hear those words today, they are always good words for all of us to remember. 

Let God be God.


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