Big Changes

 Today is July 7, 2022. In my main project, The Arayot Chronicles, my MC, Benjamin, is turning 25 today. And this is a big day for him, because its the day he saves the life of a man who once tried to kill him.

Little did I know that when I actually reached this date, I would be taking some big steps of my own.

Today I turned in my two week notice and I accepted an offer to return to my first place of employment. The thought of moving back brings up a lot of memories. Some good, some not. That was the job I was working when I questioned my competence. Where I battled anxiety and depression. Where those two forces of evil nearly convinced me to take my life into my own hands.

In short, I'm returning to the job where the devil tried to kill me. Kinda like Ben saved the life of a man who tried to kill him.

There's a lot of growing that's been happening. A lot of healing, a lot of moving forward into something new.

Its scary. There are a lot of unknowns. I'm gonna have to make a lot of new life changes.

But if God is for me, who can stand against me?

God is good. And usually way more good than what I deserve. I never imagined I would go back to Ohio. But I guess Ben never imagined he'd save the life of a former would-be assassin, either.

God's ways really are higher than our ways.


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